Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oneness Movement

I was originally introduced to the Oneness Movement from Dr. Van K Tharp and some of his teachings. I find that having a balance spiritually helps my trading tremendously.

For more info on Dr. Tharp go here:
Trading Advice and Education

for more info on the Oneness Movement go here:
Spiritual Enlightenment

The Vision from their website:

" The perfect and the imperfect, the sacred and the profane, beautiful and the ugly, sinner and the saint, evil and good are all manifestations of the one divine consciousness. This is the reality of an awakened being." - Sri Bhagavan

Sri Bhagavan's vision, since his childhood days, has been to elevate humankind to an altered state of consciousness of causeless love and limitless joy. To transfer him into an awakened state of Oneness; with himself, with others, with all life. The Oneness University and the Oneness Movement are manifestations of this vision and purpose.

The origins of this vision can be traced back to the time when Sri Bhagavan was three years old. In his experience the whole universe was an extension of himself. His consciousness had always been so. However, as Sri Bhagavan began to experience people, he became cognizant of the fact that people were not experiencing the world the way he was experiencing it. He saw that people felt separate from one another and separate from the world. This sense of a separate existence, he discovered, was the source of human suffering. Sri Bhagavan felt that the human consciousness was capable of a much vaster and richer experience of reality. To restore man to the magnificence and splendor of his natural state of being became Sri Bhagavan's life purpose.

Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma work together in this common purpose. They are a phenomenon around whom miracles and extra ordinary events happen. They influence our life through the power and splendor of their consciousness. Their grace has led many souls from untruth to truth, darkness to light, ignorance to wisdom, bondage to liberation.

The nature of existence is bliss. it is qualified by auspicious qualities of love, compassion, connectedness and silence. Man's consciousness is fettered by concepts, ideas, conditioning and mental constructs.

Thus, Sri Bhagavan observes, "When consciousness is purged of all its contamination, what remains is life - pure consciousness or God."

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